Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dancing on My Ashes

I know that is a probably a strange title for a blog post.  But it is the name of a book I read yesterday. Yes, I read a book in basically one setting.  Is there any other way to read a book!

This is a must read.  It is the story of two sisters and a major struggle they had in life.  They share honestly about the pain and heart ache.  But that is not the main point of the book.

Their reason for writing was to share their faith journey.  Yes, they questioned God in the process.  Man has been doing that for centuries.  There are many stories in the Bible where people questioned what God was doing and why.  To find the answer sometimes you have to just be still and listen.  And wait.

I don't want to spoil the book for you, so I won't share any details.  But God does stay close to them in their struggles.  That's what He does, ya know!  He offers comfort and healing for their wounds and then blesses them beyond their dreams.

I don't know these ladies, but I feel so connected to them.  One of them went to school at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri where my siblings, their spouses and our daughters went.  One of them lives in Ozark, Missouri and I have friends that live there.  They quote Beth Moore and Rick Warren, two of my favorite authors!  And God gave Heather a dream of writing a book to tell their story.

The book is available at Amazon for $11.50, $8.50 for Kindle edition, at Barnes and Noble, and Nook edition and probably your local Christian bookstore.  They have a Facebook page - Dancing on My Ashes.  They do a lot of speaking engagements which you can find that on their page.  I would highly recommend going to see them if they are in your area.

Get the book. Read the book.  Be blessed by the book.  Share the book with someone else.
That's what we do with the gifts that God gives us.


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