Friday, May 22, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

So grateful for all those that have served our country and deeply grieved for those that gave that gave their life in that service. 

Do not take your freedom lightly!
Thousands have paid highly for it!
Many served in times of danger, others during times of peace.
Many served in other countries, others were always state side.
ALL gave years of their life to be of service to thousands.

My héros - Lee Baines, Charlie Price, Larry Moore, Randy Tiner, Butch Humphrey, Sean Robinson, Kyle Robinson, Michael Woodruff, Donna Kunde, Gary Kunde, Lindsay Spencer and many more.  
I remember being a Senior in High School and being terrified that my classmates would have to go to Nam.  They started pulling the troops out that year. 

Lately, Mark has been watching lots of series on WW II.  It was horrible also.  So many men killed. And they didn't have R & R every 6 months.  When our oldest daughter was bemoaning the fact that once school was out in May, she wouldn't see her fiancé til August, at their wedding.  Mark's mom proceeded to tell her that her grandpa went off to war and she waited 3 whole years for him, she would survive the summer!

I can't think about 9/11 without becoming extremely emotional. Those horrific images are burned into my memory.  And then eventually, our troops began going to the Middle East.  And there were so many brave people that joined the service.  Their choice- there was no draft.  And as much as we watched the Nam war on TV, we saw way more of this war.  With the Internet and all the tv news stations, we were instantly aware of the tragedies as they happened.

I know the Bible tells us there will be wars and rumors of war.  Since the Fall, people have argued and fought.  Sometimes for a worthy cause, tho not always.  Just because it is a fact of life, doesn't mean it is pleasant.  

So, spend time thinking about those that you know that have served our country.  Pray for them.  Many of them still have struggles because of what they have seen. After Nam, we didn't know to call it PTSD, but there are many that are still suffering from it.  And Agent Orange - don't even get me started! If you are young enough you don't know what that is, goggle it.

I am blessed and grateful to live in a country where I am free.  And sincerely grateful to all who have made that possible.

First picture - Mark's Dad, Lee Baines, he served 3 years in WW II.  
A few years ago, he went on the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. and really enjoyed it.

Second picture, my mom's brother, Bud Waite.  He served during the Korean Conflict.  Funny, they didn't call it war.  I'm certain that those that served and those that lived in that area felt like it was war!

Third picture, Larry Moore, my cousin, served in Viet Nam.  Just a few years older than me and I don't think he ever knew how much I looked up to him.  He survived the war, but it destroyed his faith in so much, he left the 'family' area when he returned from Nam and died some years later.  I miss him terribly.

Fourth picture, Charlie Price, my uncle.  His best friend died in Viet Nam and as soon as Charlie got the news, he immediately joined the Marines.    He was so tall, the younger ones in the family were somewhat afraid of him.  But he's always been a gentle giant.  I remind him that I'm his favorite niece!

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