Very exciting news last week, my Homecoming Magazine arrived. This is a much anticipated event! There are very few, if any, southern gospel concerts in this part of the country, so my magazine is my link to the gospel world to keep up to date and stay attached to the heroes of my life.
I read the magazine from cover to cover, every word, soaking it all in, not wanting to miss a thing. Near the front is 'Views From You', which has letters/notes from readers on a specific topic. The theme for this issue is art and this article intro was:
'Many of us can think of a time when a creative work touched us deeply. Sometimes art can communicate truth and love more effectively than someone simply trying to argue the point to us. Can you think of a time when a song, book, poem, movie, painting, sculptures, play or other creative works revealed a profound truth to you or touched your soul?'
I started reading the first letter and when I got to the 4th sentence, I thought "This person's story is just like mine!" I scanned down to the bottom of the letter and the print said "Cindy Baines."
Oh my gosh, I've been published!! Admittedly, it's only a letter to the editor, but there were loads of people who responded to the question posed on the magazine's Facebook page. And they picked mine! I'll admit, I was probably annoying to those around me for the rest of the day! I was just so excited!
For those of you that manage to live without the Homecoming Magazine, which I can't fathom, this is my letter.
'When our daughters went away to college, the empty nest syndrome sent me into a deep depression. A friend gave me a copy of the first Homecoming video, and I watched it over and over, crying through the entire video. The biblical truths were a comfort to my soul. In 2006, I had breast cancer surgery and the drugs and exhaustion brought depression again to visit. My now large collection of Homecoming videos were a healing balm to my should again. The first Sunday I was going too wear my wig was very distressing to me. I had on my Red Rocks video. The entire concert was exactly what I needed that morning. "Bigger Than Any Mountain" - oh, how I knew that was true. God was bigger than any cancer. Sue Dodge Sang "Showers of Blessings." There was no way to list the blessings God had sent us during that year. The Crabb Family sang "The Reason That I'm Standing." I knew that it was God's grace, love and compassion that He gas to me that kept me standing. The Hoppeers sang "Mention My Name." I knew there were people all over the country who had been praying for me, and I had felt the power of the prayers. Donnie Sumner sang "My Anchor Holds," one of my favorite songs, and I knew my anchor rested in Jesus. Andthen "It Is Finished," another one of my favorites. By now, I'm ready for church, my wig is on and I'm feeling strong because these songs have touched my should and reminded me of all the great things my LORD has done for me. I have lots of the videos, and they all bring me such joy and comfort, especially now that we live in an area where there are not a lot of gospel concerts.
It's not a lot, essentially a letter to the editor. But it's the first time I've seen my name in print, not counting graduation programs and the like.
My personal editor reports that my book is looking really good, but she's going to go through it one more time. Next will be preparing all those pages of information in the front of any book and a cover. Then, sending snipits of the book to famous people for endorsements. I know, I know, I'm not cozy friends with any famous people. But I have a few family and friends who knew some fairly famous people. And I have some ideas up my sleeve! We'll see how it pans out.
Wonder if I know of an artistic person who can do my cover? I know what I want, but I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, so I'll not be doing the cover.
We're moving slowly with this process, but at least it is moving now. It sat idle for a long time. The thrill is in the journey.
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